9200 Carothers

Parkway Franklin, TN 37067

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mon - Fri


(615) 678-3177

Vascular Reduction

Timeless Beauty Center

Vascular Reduction

The Long-Pulsed Yag laser reduces vascular lesions, commonly known as spider veins, by using energy to heat, damage, and collapse targeted blood vessels. Your provider can also utilize the Long-Pulsed Yag to remove different types of vascular lesions, including cherry angiomas and venous lakes.

restore your skin

Goodbye Spider Veins & Age Spots

  • Over time the outer skin can become discolored with pigmented lesions and broken blood vessels.
  • With our spectrum laser treatments, we target and remove these unsightly blemishes leaving behind a blemish free appearance.
  • Laser skin resurfacing helps to improve an assortment of conditions such as sun damage, scars, fine lines and wrinkles.


(615) 678-3177