9200 Carothers

Parkway Franklin, TN 37067

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mon - Fri


(615) 678-3177

Juvederm Collection

Timeless Beauty Center

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm Each one adds volume and is designed for different needs in specific areas of the face including lips, cheeks, chin, smile lines, undereye hollows, and jawline.

Timeless Beauty Center



Juvederm Collection

Each product in the JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers adds volume to a different area of the face—without surgery. All JUVÉDERM® fillers are smooth, crystal-clear gels that are administered by injection in your aesthetic healthcare provider's office.

Timeless Beauty Center


Juvederm Collection

Juvederm Volluma

Volluma is an amazing product for cheek filler, over time cheeks flatten and sag, this filler lifts and contours the cheek area.
Juvederm Volluma

Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm Vollure

Vollure corrects your skin's loss of elasticity contributing to moderate to severe parentheses lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth.
Juvederm Vollure

Juvederm VOLLURE

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm adds more fullness to thin lips. We carry both Ultra and Ultra Plus, depending on the results you would like to see.
Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm ultra

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Juvederm ultra

Juvederm ultra

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm ultra Plus

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Juvederm ultra Plus

Juvederm ultra plus


Before & After treatment